About Us
About Us
Honorable Dr. Jai Dev along with his fellow Rotarians established Pavitradham Rotary School for Deaf in 1985.
With a sense of duty towards his fellow humans and the will to catalyze the process of harmonious growth, he was deeply moved by the sarcastic yet inspiring words of a pious lady, Mrs. Asha Dey, who happened to address the members in a Rotary meeting on the Management of Deaf in USA and spurred them by saying that the Rotarians were blind and deaf to have never paid attention to the affection, opportunities, and compassion that these special children needed.
She in that moment kindled a spark in the heart of Dr. Jai Dev and this is how Pavitradham became a reality. He still serves as the General Secretary and makes sure that everything possible is done to provide a boost to these special spirits to soar high above the sky.
These children are provided with the right platform to outgrow their physical constraints to leave us all in awe of their will and diligence.